Single Estates Coffee

Tlan Makán means “Helping Hand” in Totonaco dialect. Totonaca region is a perfumed territory where vanilla and coffee are farmed, rich place in culture, nature and history, involves zones of Veracruz and Sierra Norte of Puebla with a mountanious landscape, humidity and warm climate. To this perfumed place belongs the majestic prehipanical city “El Tajin”, important ceremonIAL center, where converge the identity of the past, beauty and knowledge of Totonaca people.
A totonaca legend tells, “The gods said to the men: Dance, we will observe you”; so five “Voladores” perform an espectacular flight and dance; four of them, throw themselves with open arms tied to a wood post of 30 meters of height to please the gods, meanwhile in the upper part of the post, the fifth man remains, dancing and playing his handmade wood flaute and drum which represents the singing birds and the voices of the gods.
Variety | Red Catuai |
Location | Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico |
Elevation | 600 – 900 m.a.s.l. |
Process | Dry Mill |
Shipping period | January through June |
Availability | 8,000 bags of 69 kgs |
Cupped and certified by Q Grader

The harvest starts in the second half of December and 9 months after the flowering. Because it is not raining during the picking season the coffee can ripen to 100%.This makes it easier for the pickers to seperate the red cherries from the green to assure the best possible quality at time of the wet-milling process.
Actually the production average is about 17 quintals of coffee by hectare. Our best historical averages are 25 quintals of coffee by hectare.
They have an installed capacity to process 2 or 3 lots per day. The actual crop is 10,000 quintals om 600 hectares.
To enable the coffee tracking, through different processes such as production, transportation, and distribution, Tlan Makán works with a software which secure the quality of the products because they can identify each responsable of each process. The purpose of this traceability through the coffee production and commercialization chain, is to add product information like origin, production, process, quality standard and other key attributes that can be helpful to them and their customer.
This would not be possible if they didn´t have this traceability documents, which are fundamentals for any assurance system of quality and security.