Exportadora de Café California

Country Mexico
Region of origin
Chiapas in the region of Huixtla/Tapachula
Location (lat/lon)
Altitude range
from 700 to 1,100 m above sea level
Average annual rainfall
6,000 mm per year and m2
Harvest Period
normally from December through March
Average annual production
about 4,140 metric tons or about 10,000 original bags
Taste characteristics The cup profile shows a medium to light body a pleaseant not too dominating acidity and full aroma with a light chocolaty note.
Visual characteristics The coffee is prepared with at least 90% above screen 15 and less than 12 defects per 300 grams.
Description Best HG EP Arabica coffee produced in Mexico.
Coffee type Arabica, washed, machine-dried
Special varieties or types Bourbon, Caturra, Tipica and Catuaí