Exportadora de Café California

Country | Mexico |
Region of origin |
Chiapas |
Location (lat/lon) |
— |
Altitude range |
from 1,000 to 1,200 m above sea level |
Average annual rainfall |
— mm per year and m2 |
Harvest Period |
normally from January through March |
Average annual production |
about 270 metric tons or about 4,000 original bags |
Taste characteristics | The cup tasting result will give us a full-body, high acidity and round aroma with a special spicy flavor which only can be found in this type of quality from Mexico. |
Visual characteristics | Large and uniform bean. |
Description | This coffee is a true specialty. It contains only large and bold Maragogype beans over screen 19. |
Coffee type | Arabica, washed, sun-dried |
Special varieties or types | Maragogype |