Single Estates Coffee

In the highlands of Chiapas lies the area of Soconusco between the village of Tonalá and the city of Tapachula. Volcanic soil, constant humidity and pacific influence create a perfect microclimate. Soconusco region is one of the most important agricultural zones of Mexico, producing Mango, Citrus, Pineapple, Banana and Flowers; bordering the MountainS Slope called as “Sierra Madre de Chiapas”,Finca Genova produces 290 hectares in this perfect environment aplying all sustainable practices, achieving the most important certifications; producing coffee from the heart of Chiapas.


Variety Caturra, Catuai
Location Tapachula State of Chiapas, Mexico
Elevation 900 – 1,100 m.a.s.l.
Process Wet Process (Washed) and Sun Dried
Process: Sundried or machine dried
Availability 5,000 bags of 69 kgs.

Cupped and certified by Q Grader

Cup Profile
This coffee presents a freshness aroma, strong body, evidenced by its herbal flavor, delicate sweetness and light acidity.

Geographical Situation

Within an altitude between 900 and 1,100 meters above sea level, producing an exquisite, aromatical fresh coffee which is called by the name of FINCA GENOVA.


UTZ stands for sustainable farming and better opportunities for farmers, their families and our planet, enables farmers to learn better farming methods, improve working conditions and take better care of their children and the environment. 4C products guarantee a high level of sustainability. Rainforest certified seal assures consumers that the product they are purchasing has been grown and harvested using environmentally and socially responsible practices.